What is an anal fistula? And does he have a cure?

What is an anal fistula? And does he have a cure?

An anal fistula is a small channel near the anus, formed as a result of an infection near the anus that causes an abscess in the nearby tissues.Other causes of fistula are:

  • Complications from childbirth
  • Complications after surgery for hemorrhoids or anal fissures
  • Patients with inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, are more susceptible to this phenomenon.
  • Sweat glands inflammation
  • Tuberculosis
  • Actinomycosis infection
  • Malignant tumors and complications caused from local radiotherapy
  • Certain diseases, such as AIDS and diabetes, can increase the severity of the phenomenon.


Anal fistulas can cause unpleasant symptoms, such as pain and itching, and usually do not improve on their own, and medical intervention is recommended in most cases.

Symptoms of anal fistula:

  • Dermatitis around the anus.
  • Constant, throbbing pain that may be worse when you sit, move, defecate, or cough.
  • Foul-smelling discharge near the anus.
  • Pus or blood excretion with defecation.
  • Swelling and redness around the anus and fever, if there is also an abscess.
  • In some cases, difficulty controlling bowel movements (fecal incontinence)


Here are the most important treatment steps that can be taken:

1. Home remedy:

An anal fistula is usually the result of constipation or diarrhea. These tips can help you:

  • Drink fluids that do not contain caffeine throughout the day.
  • Eat foods rich in fiber.
  • Trying laxatives after consulting a doctor.
  • Not delaying bowl movements, as delay causes hard stools and exacerbates constipation and anal fistula.
  • Not sitting on the toilet for too long, as this increases pressure on the anus.
  • Gently cleaning the anus after defecation.
  • The use of salt baths, which help in the treatment of fistula.

2. Surgical operations

The doctor evaluates the depth and size of the fistula tunnel, and then excises it by removing the skin and muscles around the fistula tunnel and turning it into an open channel that allows the fistula channel to heal from the inside out.

However, the patient may have suffered from some complications due to the surgery, the most important of which are:

  1. Inflammation or infection.
  2. Fecal incontinence.
  3. The possibility of the fistula returning again.


3- Laser fistula removal

Innovative fistula surgery using laser technology through the anus to completely close the fistula.

Hemocure is proud to own the latest laser devices, including  Leonardo device, the latest in the world, which is one of only four other around the world, and the only one in Egypt, the Arab world and Africa.

Among the most important advantages of laser surgery:

  • Short recovery period.
  • No pain.
  • The patient can return to their normal life activities immediately.
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