The importance of Early Detection of Hemorrhoids, Anal Fissures and Fistulas and The Risks of Neglecting Them
Hemorrhoids are a common and simple problem at the beginning, but the condition can be chronic and painful, and in rare cases hemorrhoids may be very disturbing, and if neglected, they may cause many health complications, including:
Anemia: due to the inability of healthy red blood cells to transport sufficient amounts of oxygen to the cells of the body.
The formation of thrombosed hemorrhoids: which are a result of the formation of blood clots in the hemorrhoids, and although this condition is not dangerous, it may cause acute pain, which necessitates taking appropriate measures to control the condition.
Formation of a strangulated hemorrhoid: which is caused by the interruption of blood flow to the internal hemorrhoid, and the consequent feeling of severe pain.
Hemorrhoid prolapse: This is represented by the internal hemorrhoid protruding outwards and the inability to push it inward again. In this case the condition becomes chronic, and in rare cases this prolapse may lead to some complications such as lack of blood flow to the area and infection.
In rare cases, hemorrhoids can lead to cancer.
Infection with skin eczema due to the anal opening not closing well. This causes severe irritation of the skin and an urge to itch, leading to eczema and skin rashes, that may also spread to the buttocks.
Vaginal problems and infections in women where harmful bacteria or germs may leak from the anus into the vagina, leading to vaginal infections that may be dangerous sometimes if not treated.
The risk of an anal abscess also increase in some cases, including:
-Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis: These are inflammatory bowel diseases that cause the body to attack healthy tissue.
-Weakened immune system which makes the body more susceptible to infections.
-Anal sex: Anal sex increases the risk of an anal abscess.
-Some medications: such as prednisone, which is a steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
-Constipation or diarrhoea.
-Young children or children with a history of anal fissures.
Complications of Anal Abscess:
People with anal abscess can develop a fistula, and in some cases, continuous drainage of the anal fistula occurs, and anal abscesses can recur, which requires immediate surgical intervention.
In general, neglecting an anal abscess leads to more pain and risks of contamination of this area and subsequent serious complications.
Complications of Neglected Fistula
If the fistula is not properly dealt with and treated, it causes serious complications, and if the patient does not respond to non-surgical treatment, the surgeon must discuss the risks of surgery with the patient and their family.
Among the Complications That Can Occur Are:
-Adhesions in the fibrous membranes during surgery.
-Infection or bleeding.
-Compromise of nearby organs.
Complications of Anal Fissures:
As for the anal fissure, if it does not heal, it may lead to complications, including inflammation and, in case of the area contracting germs, local abscess may occur. Chronic inflammation may lead to narrowing of the canal and the formation of scars and polyps.
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