Anal cancer: diagnosis and treatment

Anal cancer: diagnosis and treatment

Rectal and anal cancer are two types of cancers that affect the lower digestive system, and early diagnosis is one of the most important factors that affect the success of treatment. In the video presented by Dr. Mohamed Magdy Al-Najjar, the symptoms and factors that increase the risk of developing this disease are highlighted, in addition to the available treatment options.

Symptoms of rectal and anal cancer include anal bleeding and pain during defecation, which require immediate medical attention and examination. Factors that may increase the risk of this cancer include genetics and an unhealthy diet.

The video also discusses how cancer is diagnosed and the importance of early detection in achieving better treatment outcomes. Dr. Al-Najjar explains the available treatment options and points out that early diagnosis increases the chances of recovery.

Rectal and anal cancer are diseases that can be treated effectively if detected early. It is recommended to monitor the symptoms and resort to regular medical examination to avoid worsening the condition and ensure quick and effective treatment.

Watch the video "What is the story of anal cancer? - The story from the beginning with Dr. Al-Najjar"

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