What is anal cancer?

What is anal cancer?
Anal cancer occurs in the anal canal, which is a short tube at the end of the rectum through which stool exits your body. It is considered an uncommon type of cancer, but it is very dangerous. It is treated in most cases with a combination of chemotherapy and radiation, and in some cases, surgical intervention is required.


Risk factors and causes:

There are many factors that increase the risk of anal cancer, including:

-Old Age: Anal cancer can affect all ages, but the elderly, 50 years of age or older, are most at risk.

-Anal sex: It is considered one of the most important factors that lead to anal cancer.

-Smoking: Cigarette smoking causes cancer in many organs of the body and of course can lead to anal cancer.

-Cancer History: Those who already have or have recovered from cancer.

-Human papilloma virus (HPV): The virus increases the risk of anal cancer, which is a sexually transmitted infection.

-Immunosuppressive Drugs: Medicines that supress the immune system such as the drugs taken by those who underwent human organ transplants


Symptoms of anal cancer:

-Defecation varies between diarrhea or constipation.

-Fecal incontinence.

-Very thin stool.

-Bumps around the anus.

-Swollen lymph nodes in the anal area.

-Pain in the anal area.


-Anal Secretions.




The diagnosis of anal cancer is considered as important as the treatment itself, so it needs great accuracy for a safe and secure treatment journey. There are many tests that show whether the patient has anal cancer or not, and the appropriate type of diagnosis is determined by the attending physician, according to the case.


First: a manual medical examination or a digital rectal examination (DRE). During this test, the doctor feels for any lumps or abnormalities.

In case of lumps, an endoscopic examination is done to take a closer look at the anus

Then, a biopsy or sample removal of a small amount of tissue is performed to be further examined under a microscope.


Second: Ultrasound, which is used to create an image of the internal organs.

Third: X-rays are a method of creating an image of structures inside the body using a small amount of radiation.

Fourth: Computerized tomography (CT or CAT). A CT scan takes pictures of the inside of the body using X-rays taken from different angles. A computer then combines these images into a detailed, three-dimensional image that shows any abnormalities or tumors.

Fifth: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). An MRI uses magnetic fields, not X-rays, to produce detailed images of the body. A special dye called contrast medium is given before the scan to produce a clearer picture.

Sixth: A positron emission tomography (PET) scan, or PET-CT scan, a positron emission tomography (PET) scan is a method for creating images of organs and tissues inside the body. A small amount of radioactive glucose is injected into the patient's body. This sugary substance is absorbed by the cells that consume the most energy. Because cancer tends to actively use energy, it absorbs more of the radioactive substance. However, the amount of radiation in the substance is too low to be harmful. A scanner then detects this material to produce pictures of inside the body.


At Hemocure clinics, we have the latest equipment, in addition to the medical competence, which is represented in an integrated medical team of consultants specialized in the treatment of anorectal diseases. We perform anal cancer operations with the latest international technologies without compromising or damaging the healthy tissues surrounding the affected area.

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